Politics and politicians can be frustrating to all. They have to go through campaigns to get people to like them by promising things we know will never happen but sound good. We have to go though the decision of who to vote for. But why can't politicians just abandon the whole party aspect and just focus on the troubles of our nation and the world.
If politics in general gave up the party system and made it so that the only thing that mattered were solving the nations problems and helping the people more things would get done. We focus so much on which party is in control of this or that, and if we got rid of the party aspect we wouldn't have to waste time worrying about which party is in control and just get the problems of the world solved faster or at least have a plan to solve them faster. Also having to put a label to yourself based on how a country should be run isn't very useful is it?
Tell me what you think?
Thanks for reading.
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